How Jesus Prays: Preserve My People
Bible Text: John 17 | Speaker: Rev. Neil Quinn | Series: Gospel of John: That You May Believe and Live | Christian, the Father has held you in his favor as his treasured child since eternity past, wrapping you in his gracious thoughts like swaddling cloths. Do you truly believe he would relax his grip upon you in the last days and let you fall into the chasm of his wrath?
Never. For Christ’s word forever sings to you the lullaby of his love to keep you from wriggling free in faithless distress; Christ’s cross forever stands between you and any condemnation of sin that would make him toss you away in just judgement; and Christ’s prayers forever stay Satan’s thieving hand from stealing you away in hateful malice. So let your prayers join with Christ’s that the Father might preserve your faith and the faith of all those he possesses, and then live and die in the assurance that as you ask in Christ’s name, you will receive.